Easy EdgeDB · Chapter 20

The final battle

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You made it to the final chapter - congratulations! Here’s the final scene from the last chapter, though we won’t spoil the final ending:

Mina is almost a vampire now, and says she can feel Dracula all the time, no matter what hour of the day. Van Helsing arrives at Castle Dracula and Mina waits outside. Van Helsing then goes inside and destroys the vampire women and Dracula’s coffin. Meanwhile, the other men approach from the south and are also close to Castle Dracula. Dracula’s friends have him inside his box, and are carrying him on a wagon towards the castle as fast as they can. The sun is almost down, it is snowing, and the need to hurry to catch him. They get closer and closer, and grab the box. They pull the nails back and open it up, and see Dracula lying inside. Jonathan pulls out his knife. But just then the sun goes down. Dracula smiles and opens his eyes, and…

If you’re curious about the ending to this scene, just check out the book on Gutenberg and search for “the look of hate in them turned to triumph”.

We are sure that the vampire women have been destroyed, however, so we can do one final change by giving them a last_appearance. Van Helsing destroys them on November 5, so we will insert that date. But don’t forget to filter Lucy out - she’s the only MinorVampire that isn’t one of the three women at the castle.

UPDATE MinorVampire FILTER .name != 'Lucy Westenra'
  last_appearance := <cal::local_date>'1887-11-05'

Depending on what happens in the last battle, we might have to do the same for Dracula or some of the heroes…

Here’s the schema and inserted data we have up to Chapter 20.

Now that you’ve made it through 20 chapters, you should have a good understanding of the schema that we put together and how to work with it. Let’s take a look at it one more time from top to bottom. We’ll make sure that we fully understand it and think about which parts are good, and which need improvement, for an actual game.

The first part to a schema is always the command to start the migration:

  • START MIGRATION TO {};: This is how a schema migration starts. Everything goes inside {} curly brackets and ends with a ; semicolon.

  • module default {}: We only used one module (namespace) for our schema, but you can make more if you like. You can see the module when you use DESCRIBE TYPE AS SDL (or AS TEXT).

Here’s an example with Person, which starts like this and shows us the module it’s located in:

abstract type default::Person

For a real game our schema would probably be a lot larger with various modules. We might see types in different modules like abstract type characters::Person and abstract type places::Place, or even modules inside modules like type characters::PC::Fighter and type characters::NPC::Barkeeper.

Our first type is called HasNameAndCoffins, which is abstract because we don’t want any actual objects of this type. Instead, it is extended by types like Place because every place in our game

  1. has a name, and

  2. has a number of coffins (which is important because places without coffins are safer from vampires).

abstract type HasNameAndCoffins {
  required property coffins -> int16 {
    default := 0;
  required property name -> str {
    constraint exclusive;
    constraint max_len_value(30);

We could have gone with int32, int64 or bigint for the coffins property but we probably won’t see that many coffins so int16 is fine.

Next is abstract type Person. This type is by far the largest, and does most of the work for all of our characters. Fortunately, all vampires used to be people and can have things like name and age, so they can extend from it too.

abstract type Person {
  property first -> str;
  property last -> str;
  property title -> str;
  property degrees -> str;
  required property name -> str {
    constraint exclusive
  property age -> int16;
  property conversational_name := .title ++ ' ' ++ .name IF EXISTS .title ELSE .name;
  property pen_name := .name ++ ', ' ++ .degrees IF EXISTS .degrees ELSE .name;
  property strength -> int16;
  multi link places_visited -> Place;
  multi link lover -> Person;
  property first_appearance -> cal::local_date;
  property last_appearance -> cal::local_date;

exclusive is probably the most common constraint, which we use to make sure that each character has a unique name. This works because we already know all the names of all the NPC types. But if there is a chance of more than one “Jonathan Harker” or other character, we could give Person an id property and make that exclusive instead.

Properties like conversational_name are computables. In our case, we added properties like first and last later on. It is tempting to remove name and only use first and last for every character, but the book has too many characters with strange names: Woman 2, The innkeeper, etc. In a standard user database, we would certainly only use first and last and a field like email with constraint exclusive to make sure that all users are unique.

Every property has a type (like str, bigint, etc.). Computables have them too but we don’t need to tell EdgeDB the type because the computable itself makes the type. For example, pen_name takes .name which is a str and adds more strings, which will of course produce a str. The ++ used to join them together is called concatenation.

The two links are multi links, without which a link is to only one object. If you just write link, it will be a single link and you will have to add LIMIT 1 when creating a link or it will give this error:

error: possibly more than one element returned by an expression for a computable link 'former_self' declared as 'single'

For first_appearance and last_appearance we use cal::local_date because our game is only based in one part of Europe inside a certain period. For a modern user database we would prefer std::datetime because it is timezone aware and always ISO8601 compliant.

So for databases with users around the world, datetime is usually the best choice. Then you can use a function like std::to_datetime to turn five int64s, one float64 (for the seconds) and one str (for the timezone) into a datetime that is always returned as UTC:

SELECT std::to_datetime(2020, 10, 12, 15, 35, 5.5, 'KST');
# October 12 2020, 3:35 pm and 5.5 seconds in Korea (KST = Korean Standard Time)
{<datetime>'2020-10-12T06:35:05.500000000Z'} # The return value is UTC, 6:35 (plus 5.5 seconds) in the morning

A similar abstract type to HasNameAndCoffins is this one:

abstract type HasNumber {
  required property number -> int16;

We only used this for the Crewman type, which only extends two abstract types and nothing else:

type Crewman extending HasNumber, Person {

This HasNumber type was used for the five Crewman objects, who in the beginning didn’t have a name. But later on, we used those numbers to create names based on the numbers:

UPDATE Crewman
  name := 'Crewman ' ++ <str>.number

So even though it was rarely used, it could become useful later on. For types later in the game you could imagine this being used for townspeople or random NPCs: ‘Shopkeeper 2’, ‘Carriage Driver 12’, etc.

Our vampire types extend Person, while MinorVampire also has an optional (single) link to Person. This is because some characters begin as humans and are “reborn” as vampires. With this format, we can use the properties first_appearance and last_appearance from Person to have them appear in the game. And if one is turned into a MinorVampire, we can link the two.

type Vampire extending Person {
  multi link slaves -> MinorVampire;

type MinorVampire extending Person {
  link former_self -> Person;

With this format we can do a query like this one that pulls up all people who have turned into MinorVampires.

SELECT Person {
  vampire_name := .<former_self[IS MinorVampire].name
} FILTER EXISTS .vampire_name;

In our case, that’s just Lucy: {default::NPC {name: 'Lucy Westenra', vampire_name: {'Lucy Westenra'}}} But if we wanted to, we could extend the game back to more historical times and link the vampire women to an NPC type. That would become their former_self.

Our two enums were used for the PC and Sailor types:

scalar type Rank extending enum<Captain, FirstMate, SecondMate, Cook>;
type Sailor extending Person {
  property rank -> Rank;

scalar type Transport extending enum<Feet, HorseDrawnCarriage, Train>;
type PC extending Person {
  required property transport -> Transport;

The enum Transport never really got used, and needs some more transportation types. We didn’t look at these in detail, but in the book there are a lot of different types of transport. In the last chapter, Arthur’s team that waited at Varna used a boat called a “steam launch” which is smaller than the boat “The Demeter”, for example. This enum would probably be used in the game logic itself in this sort of way:

  • choosing Feet gives the character a certain speed and costs nothing,

  • HorseDrawnCarriage increases speed but decreases money,

  • Train increases speed the most but decreases money and can only follow railway lines, etc.

Visit is one of our two “hackiest” (but most fun) types. We stole most of it from the Time type that we created earlier but never used. In it, we have a time property that is just a string, but gets used in this way:

  • by casting it into a cal::local_time to make the local_time property,

  • by slicing its first two characters to get the hour property, which is just a string. This is only possible because we know that even single digit numbers like 1 need to be written with two digits: 01

  • by another computable called awake that is either ‘asleep’ or ‘awake’ depending on the hour property we just made, cast into an int16.

type Visit {
  required link ship -> Ship;
  required link place -> Place;
  required property date -> cal::local_date;
  property time -> str;
  property local_time := <cal::local_time>.time;
  property hour := .time[0:2];
  property awake := 'asleep' IF <int16>.hour > 7 AND <int16>.hour < 19 ELSE 'awake';

The NPC type is where we first saw the overloaded keyword, which lets us use properties, links, functions etc. in different ways than the default. Here we wanted to constrain age to 120 years, and to use the places_visited link in a different way than in Person by giving it London as the default.

type NPC extending Person {
  overloaded property age {
    constraint max_value(120)
  overloaded multi link places_visited -> Place {
    default := (SELECT City FILTER .name = 'London');

Our Place type shows that you can extend as many times as you want. It’s an abstract type that extends another abstract type, and then gets extended for other types like City.

abstract type Place extending HasNameAndCoffins {
  property modern_name -> str;
  property important_places -> array<str>;

The important_places property only got used once in this insert:

  name := 'Bistritz',
  modern_name := 'Bistrița',
  important_places := ['Golden Krone Hotel'],

and right now it is just an array. We can keep it unchanged for now, because we haven’t made a type yet for really small locations like hotels and parks. But if we do make a new type for these places, then we should turn it into a multi link. Even our OtherPlace type is not quite the right type for this, as the annotation shows:

type OtherPlace extending Place {
  annotation description := 'A place with under 50 buildings - hamlets, small villages, etc.';
  annotation warning := 'Castles and castle towns count! Use the Castle type for that';

So in a real game we would create some other smaller location types and make them a link from the property important_places inside City. We might also move important_places to Place so that types like Region could link from it too.

Annotations: we used abstract annotation to add a new annotation:

abstract annotation warning;

because by default a type can only have annotations called title, description, or deprecated. We only used annotations for fun for this one type, because nobody else is working on our database yet. But if we made a real database for a game with many people working on it, we would put annotations everywhere to make sure that they know how to use each type.

Our Lord type was only created to show how to use constraint expression on, which lets us make our own constraints:

type Lord extending Person {
  constraint expression on (contains(__subject__.name, 'Lord') = true) {
    errmessage := "All lords need \'Lord\' in their name";

(We might remove this in a real game, or maybe it would become type Lord extending PC so player characters could choose to be a lord, thief, detective, etc. etc.)

The Lord type uses the function contains which returns true if the item we are searching for is inside the string, array, etc. It also uses __subject__ which refers to the type itself: __subject__.name means Person.name in this case. Here are some more examples from the documentation of using constraint expression on.

Another possible way to create a Lord is to do it this way, since Person has the property called title:

type Lord extending Person {
  constraint expression on (__subject__.title = 'Lord') {
    errmessage := "All lords need \'Lord\' in their name";

This will depend on if we want to create Lord types with names just as a single string in .name, or by using .first, .last, .title etc. with a computable to form the full name.

Our next types extending Place including Country and Region were looked at just last chapter, so we won’t review them here. But Castle is a bit unique:

type Castle extending Place {
  property doors -> array<int16>;

Back in Chapter 7, we used this in a query to see if Jonathan could break any of the doors and escape the castle. The idea was simple: Jonathan would try to open every door, and if he had more strength then any one of them then he could escape the castle.

  jonathan_strength := (SELECT Person FILTER .name = 'Jonathan Harker').strength,
  doors := (SELECT Castle FILTER .name = 'Castle Dracula').doors,
SELECT jonathan_strength > min(array_unpack(doors));

However, later on we learned the any() function so let’s see how we could use it here. With any(), we could change the query to this:

  jonathan_strength := (SELECT Person FILTER .name = 'Jonathan Harker').strength,
  doors := (SELECT Castle FILTER .name = 'Castle Dracula').doors,
SELECT any(array_unpack(doors) < jonathan_strength); # Only this part is different

And of course, we could also create a function to do the same now that we know how to write functions and how to use any(). Since we are filtering by name (Jonathan Harker and Castle Dracula), the function would also just take two strings and do the same query.

Don’t forget, we needed array_unpack() because the function any() works on sets:

std::any(values: SET OF bool) -> bool

So this (a set) will work: SELECT any({5, 6, 7} = 7);

But this (an array) will not: SELECT any([5, 6, 7] = 7);

Our next type is BookExcerpt, which we imagined being useful for the humans creating the database. It would need a lot of inserts from each part of the book, with the text exactly as written. Because of that, we chose to use index on for the excerpt property, which will then be faster to look up. Remember to use this only where needed: it will increase lookup speed, but make the database larger overall.

type BookExcerpt {
  required property date -> cal::local_datetime;
  required link author -> Person;
  required property excerpt -> str;
  index on (.excerpt);

Next is our other fun and hacky type, Event.

type Event {
  required property description -> str;
  required property start_time -> cal::local_datetime;
  required property end_time -> cal::local_datetime;
  required multi link place -> Place;
  required multi link people -> Person;
  multi link excerpt -> BookExcerpt;
  property exact_location -> tuple<float64, float64>;
  property east -> bool;
  property url := 'https://geohack.toolforge.org/geohack.php?params=' ++ <str>.exact_location.0 ++ '_N_' ++ <str>.exact_location.1 ++ '_' ++ 'E' if .east = true else 'W';

This one is probably closest to an actual usable type for a real game. With start_time and end_time, place and people (plus url) we can properly arrange which characters are at which locations, and when. The description property is for users of the database with descriptions like 'The Demeter arrives at Whitby, crashing on the beach' that are used to find events when we need to.

The last two types in our schema, Currency and Pound, were created two chapters ago so we won’t review them here.

You might want to take a look at or bookmark this page for reference during your projects. It contains the whole lexical structure of EdgeDB including items that are maybe too dry for a textbook like this one. Things like order of precedence for operators, all reserved keywords, which characters can be used in identifiers, and so on.

Help is always just a message away. The best way to get help is to start a discussion on our discussion board on GitHub. You can also start an issue here on EdgeDB, or do the same for the Easy EdgeDB book on this very page.

We hope you enjoyed learning EdgeDB through a story, and are now familiar enough with it to implement it for your own projects. Ironically, if we wrote the book with enough detail to answer all your questions then we might never see you on the forums! If that’s the case, then we wish you the best of luck with your projects. Let’s finish the book up with a poem from another book, the Lord of the Rings, on the endless possibilities of life.

The Road goes ever on and on Down from the door where it began. Now far ahead the Road has gone, And I must follow, if I can, Pursuing it with eager feet, Until it joins some larger way Where many paths and errands meet. And whither then? I cannot say.

See you, or not see you, however things turn out! Thanks again for reading.