Easy EdgeDB · Chapter 2

At the Hotel in Bistritz

Scalar TypesAbstract TypesFilter

We continue to read the story as we think about the database we need to store the information. The important information is in bold:

Jonathan Harker has found a hotel in Bistritz, called the Golden Krone Hotel. He gets a welcome letter there from Dracula, who is waiting in his castle. Jonathan Harker will have to take a horse-driven carriage to get there tomorrow. We also see that Jonathan Harker is from London. The innkeeper at the Golden Krone Hotel seems very afraid of Dracula. He doesn’t want Jonathan to leave and says it will be dangerous, but Jonathan doesn’t listen. An old lady gives Jonathan a golden crucifix and says it will protect him. Jonathan is embarrassed, and takes it to be polite. Jonathan has no idea how much it will help him later.

Now we are starting to see some detail about the city. Reading the story, we see that we could add another property to City, and we will call it important_places. That’s where places like the Golden Krone Hotel could go. We’re not sure if the places will be their own types yet, so we’ll just make it an array of strings: property important_places -> array<str>; We can put the names of important places in there and maybe develop it more later. It will now look like this:

type City {
  required property name -> str;
  property modern_name -> str;
  property important_places -> array<str>;

Now our original insert for Bistritz will look like this:

  name := 'Bistritz',
  modern_name := 'Bistrița',
  important_places := ['Golden Krone Hotel'],

We now have two types of transport in the book: train, and horse-drawn carriage. The book is based in 1887, and our game will let the characters use types of transport that were available that year. Here an enum (enumeration) is probably the best choice, because an enum is about making one choice between options. The variants of the enum should be written in UpperCamelCase.

Here we see the word scalar for the first time: this is a scalar type because it only holds a single value at a time. The other types (City, Person) are object types because they can hold multiple values at the same time.

The other keyword we will see for the first time is extending, which means to take a type as a base and extend it. This gives you all the power of the type that you are extending, and adds some more options. We will write our Transport type like this:

scalar type Transport extending enum<Feet, Train, HorseDrawnCarriage>;

Did you notice that scalar type ends with a semicolon and the other types don’t? That’s because the other types have a {} to make a full expression. But here on a single line we don’t have {} so we need the semicolon to show that the expression ends here.

This Transport type is going to be for player characters in our game, not the people in the book (their stories and choices are already finished). That means that we will need a PC type and an NPC type, but our Person type should stay too - we can use it a base type for both. To do this, we can make Person an abstract type instead of just a type. Then with this abstract type, we can use the keyword extending for the other PC and NPC types.

So now this part of the schema looks like this:

abstract type Person {
  required property name -> str;
  multi link places_visited -> City;

type PC extending Person {
  required property transport -> Transport;

type NPC extending Person {

Now the characters from the book will be NPCs (non-player characters), while PC is being made with our game in mind. And because Person is now an abstract type, we can’t insert it directly anymore. It will give us this error if we try to do something like INSERT Person {name := 'Mr. HasAName'};:

error: cannot insert into abstract object type 'default::Person'
  ┌─ query:1:8
1 │ INSERT Person {
  │        ^^^^^^^ error

No problem - just change Person to NPC and it will work.

Also, SELECT on an abstract type is just fine - it will select all the types that extend from it.

Let’s also experiment with a player character. We’ll make one called Emil Sinclair who starts out traveling by horse-drawn carriage. We’ll also just give him City so he’ll have all three cities.

  name := 'Emil Sinclair',
  places_visited := City,
  transport := <Transport>'HorseDrawnCarriage',

Entering places_visited := City is short for places_visited := (SELECT City) - you don’t have to type SELECT every time.

Note that we didn’t just write HorseDrawnCarriage, because we have to choose the enum Transport and then make a choice of one of the variants. The <> angle brackets do casting, meaning to change one type into another. EdgeDB won’t try to change one type into another unless you ask it to with casting. That’s why this won’t give us true:

SELECT 'Feet' IS Transport;

We will get an output of {false}, because ‘Feet’ is just a str and nothing else. But this will work:

SELECT <Transport>'Feet' IS Transport;

Then we get {true}.

You can cast more than once at a time if you need to. This example isn’t something you will need to do but shows how you can cast over and over again if you want:

SELECT <str><int64><str><int32>50 is str;

That also gives us {true} because all we did is ask if it is a str, which it is.

Casting works from right to left, with the final cast on the far left. So <str><int64><str><int32>50 means “50 into an int32 into a string into an int64 into a string”. Or you can read it left to right like this: “A string from an int64 from a string from an int32 from the number 50”.

Also note that casting is only for scalar types: user-created object types like City and Person are too complex to simply cast into each other.

Finally, let’s learn how to FILTER before we’re done Chapter 2. You can use FILTER after the curly brackets in SELECT to only show certain results. Let’s FILTER to only show Person types that have the name ‘Emil Sinclair’:

SELECT Person {
  places_visited: {name},
} FILTER .name = 'Emil Sinclair';

FILTER .name is short for FILTER Person.name. You can write FILTER Person.name too if you want - it’s the same thing.

The output is this:

{Object {name: 'Emil Sinclair', places_visited: {Object {name: 'Munich'}, Object {name: 'Buda-Pesth'}, Object {name: 'Bistritz'}}}}

Let’s filter the cities now. One flexible way to search is with LIKE or ILIKE to match on parts of a string.

  • LIKE is case-sensitive: “Bistritz” matches “Bistritz” but “bistritz” does not.

  • ILIKE is not case-sensitive (the I in ILIKE means insensitive), so “Bistritz” matches “BiStRitz”, “bisTRITz”, etc.

You can also add % on the left and/or right which means match anything before or after. Here are some examples with the matched part in bold:

  • LIKE Bistr% matches “Bistritz” (but not “bistritz”),

  • ILIKE '%IsTRiT%' matches “Bistritz”,

  • LIKE %athan Harker matches “Jonathan Harker”,

  • ILIKE %n h% matches “Jonathan Harker”.

Let’s FILTER to get all the cities that start with a capital B. That means we’ll need LIKE because it’s case-sensitive:

} FILTER .name LIKE 'B%';

Here is the result:

  Object {name: 'Buda-Pesth', modern_name: 'Budapest'},
  Object {name: 'Bistritz', modern_name: 'Bistrița'},

You can also index a string with [] square brackets, starting at 0. For example, the indexes in the string ‘Jonathan’ look like this:

J o n a t h a n
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7

So 'Jonathan'[0] is ‘J’ and 'Jonathan'[4] is ‘t’.

Let’s try it:

} FILTER .name[0]; = 'B'; # First character must be 'B'

That gives the same result. Careful though: if you set the number too high then it will try to search outside of the string, which is an error. If we change 0 to 18 (FILTER .name[18]; = 'B';), we’ll get this:

ERROR: InvalidValueError: string index 18 is out of bounds

Plus, if you have any City types with a name of '', even a search for index 0 will cause an error.

You can also slice a string to get a piece of it. Because ‘Jonathan’ starts at zero, its index values look like this:

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

It’s 8 characters long, so it fits entirely between 0 and 8. If you take a “slice” of it between indexes 2 and 5, you get ‘nat’ ('Jonathan'[2:5] = ‘nat’), because it starts at 2 and goes up to 5 - but not including index 5. It’s sort of like when you phone your friend to tell them that you’re ‘at their house’: you’re not telling them that you’re inside it.

Negative index values are counted from the end of ‘Jonathan’, which is 8, so -1 corresponds to 8 - 1 (= 7), etc.

So what if you want to make sure that you won’t get an error with an index number that might be too high? Here you can use LIKE or ILIKE with an empty parameter, because it will just give an empty set: {} instead of an error. LIKE and ILIKE are safer than indexing if there is a chance of having data that is too short in a property. There is a small lesson to be had here:

  • “no data” in Edgedb is shown as an empty set: {}

  • "" (an empty string) is actually data.

Keeping that in mind helps you understand the behaviour between the two.

Finally, did you notice that we wrote a comment with # just now? Comments in EdgeDB are simple: anything to the right of # on a line gets ignored.

So this:

SELECT 1887#0503 is the first day of the book Dracula when...

returns {1887}.

Here is all our code so far up to Chapter 2.

Practice Time
  1. Change the following SELECT to display {100} by casting: SELECT '99' + '1';

    Show answer
  2. Select all the City types that start with ‘Mu’ (case sensitive).

    Show answer
  3. Select the third letter (i.e. index number 2) of the name of every NPC.

    Show answer
  4. Imagine an abstract type called HasAString:

    abstract type HasAString {
      property string -> str

    How would you change the Person type to extend HasAString?

    Show answer
  5. This query only shows the id numbers of the places visited. How do you show their name?

    SELECT Person {
    Show answer

Up next: Jonathan gets into the carriage and travels into the cold mountains.