EdgeDB Go Driver

Package edgedb is the official Go EdgeDB driver. https://edgedb.com

Typical usage looks like this:

import (


opts := edgedb.Options{
    MinConns: 1,
    MaxConns: 4,

func main() {
    ctx := context.Background()
    pool, err := edgedb.ConnectDSN(ctx, "my_instance", opts)
    if err != nil {
    defer pool.Close()

    var (
        age int64 = 21
        users []struct{
            ID edgedb.UUID `edgedb:"id"`
            Name string    `edgedb:"name"`

    query := "SELECT User{name} WHERE .age = <int64>$0"
    err = pool.Query(ctx, query, &users, age)

You can also connect to a database using a DSN:

url := "edgedb://edgedb@localhost/edgedb"
pool, err := edgedb.ConnectDSN(ctx, url, opts)

Or you can use Option fields.

opts := edgedb.Options{
    Database: "edgedb",
    User:     "edgedb",
    MinConns: 1,
    MaxConns: 4,

pool, err := edgedb.Connect(ctx, opts)

Most use cases will benefit from the concurrency safe pool implementation returned from Connect() and ConnectDSN(). Pool.Acquire(), ConnectOne() and ConnectOneDSN() will give you access to a single connection.

edgedb never returns underlying errors directly. If you are checking for things like context expiration use errors.Is() or errors.As().

err := pool.Query(...)
if errors.Is(err, context.Canceled) { ... }

Most errors returned by the edgedb package will satisfy the edgedb.Error interface which has methods for introspecting.

err := pool.Query(...)

var edbErr edgedb.Error
if errors.As(err, &edbErr) && edbErr.Category(edgedb.NoDataError){

The following list shows the marshal/unmarshal mapping between EdgeDB types and go types:

EdgeDB                Go
---------             ---------
Set                   []anytype
array<anytype>        []anytype
tuple                 struct
named tuple           struct
Object                struct
bool                  bool
bytes                 []byte
str                   string
anyenum               string
datetime              time.Time
cal::local_datetime   edgedb.LocalDateTime
cal::local_date       edgedb.LocalDate
cal::local_time       edgedb.LocalTime
duration              time.Duration
float32               float32
float64               float64
int16                 int16
int32                 int32
int64                 int64
uuid                  edgedb.UUID
json                  []byte
bigint                *big.Int

decimal               user defined (see Custom Codecs)

User defined marshaler/unmarshalers can be defined for any scalar EdgeDB type except arrays. The marshaler interfaces are documented in the internal/codecs package.

package edgedb_test

import (


type User struct {
    ID   edgedb.UUID `edgedb:"id"`
    Name string      `edgedb:"name"`
    DOB  time.Time   `edgedb:"dob"`

func Example() {
    opts := edgedb.Options{
        MinConns: 1,
        MaxConns: 4,

    ctx := context.Background()
    db, err := edgedb.ConnectDSN(ctx, "edgedb://edgedb@localhost/test", opts)
    if err != nil {
    defer db.Close()

    // create a user object type.
    err = db.Execute(ctx, `
        CREATE TYPE User {
            CREATE REQUIRED PROPERTY name -> str;
            CREATE PROPERTY dob -> datetime;
    if err != nil {

    // Insert a new user.
    var inserted struct{ id edgedb.UUID }
    err = db.QueryOne(ctx, `
        INSERT User {
            name := <str>$1,
            dob := <datetime>$2
    `, inserted, "Bob", time.Date(1984, 3, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, time.UTC))
    if err != nil {

    // Select users.
    var users []User
    args := map[string]interface{}{"name": "Bob"}
    query := "SELECT User {name, dob} FILTER .name = <str>$name"
    err = db.Query(ctx, query, &users, args)
    if err != nil {
