Action is work to be done in a transaction.

type Action func(context.Context, *Tx) error

Conn is a single Conn to a server. Conn is not safe for concurrent use. Pool should be preferred over Conn for most use cases.

type Conn struct {
    // contains filtered or unexported fields
func ConnectOne(ctx context.Context, opts Options) (*Conn, error)

ConnectOne establishes a connection to an EdgeDB server.

func ConnectOneDSN(
    ctx context.Context,
    dsn string,
    opts Options,
) (*Conn, error)

ConnectOneDSN establishes a connection to an EdgeDB server.

dsn is either an instance name https://www.edgedb.com/docs/clients/00_python/instances/#edgedb-instances or it specifies a single string in the following format:


The following options are recognized: host, port, user, database, password.

func (c *Conn) Close() error

Close closes the connection. Connections are not usable after they are closed.

func (b Conn) Execute(ctx context.Context, cmd string) error

Execute an EdgeQL command (or commands).

func (b Conn) Query(
    ctx context.Context,
    cmd string,
    out interface{},
    args ...interface{},
) error

Query runs a query and returns the results.

func (b Conn) QueryJSON(
    ctx context.Context,
    cmd string,
    out *[]byte,
    args ...interface{},
) error

QueryJSON runs a query and return the results as JSON.

func (b Conn) QueryOne(
    ctx context.Context,
    cmd string,
    out interface{},
    args ...interface{},
) error

QueryOne runs a singleton-returning query and returns its element. If the query executes successfully but doesn’t return a result a NoDataError is returned.

func (b Conn) QueryOneJSON(
    ctx context.Context,
    cmd string,
    out *[]byte,
    args ...interface{},
) error

QueryOneJSON runs a singleton-returning query. If the query executes successfully but doesn’t have a result a NoDataError is returned.

func (c *Conn) RawTx(ctx context.Context, action Action) error

RawTx runs an action in a transaction. If the action returns an error the transaction is rolled back, otherwise it is committed.

func (c *Conn) RetryingTx(ctx context.Context, action Action) error

RetryingTx does the same as RawTx but retries failed actions if they might succeed on a subsequent attempt.

func (c Conn) WithRetryOptions(opts RetryOptions) *Conn

WithRetryOptions returns a shallow copy of the connection with the RetryOptions set to opts.

func (c Conn) WithTxOptions(opts TxOptions) *Conn

WithTxOptions returns a shallow copy of the connection with the TxOptions set to opts.

Error is the error type returned from edgedb.

type Error interface {
    Error() string
    Unwrap() error

    // HasTag returns true if the error is marked with the supplied tag.
    HasTag(ErrorTag) bool

    // Category returns true if the error is in the provided category.
    Category(ErrorCategory) bool

ErrorCategory values represent EdgeDB’s error types.

type ErrorCategory string
const (
    InternalServerError                    ErrorCategory = "errors::InternalServerError"
    UnsupportedFeatureError                ErrorCategory = "errors::UnsupportedFeatureError"
    ProtocolError                          ErrorCategory = "errors::ProtocolError"
    BinaryProtocolError                    ErrorCategory = "errors::BinaryProtocolError"
    UnsupportedProtocolVersionError        ErrorCategory = "errors::UnsupportedProtocolVersionError"
    TypeSpecNotFoundError                  ErrorCategory = "errors::TypeSpecNotFoundError"
    UnexpectedMessageError                 ErrorCategory = "errors::UnexpectedMessageError"
    InputDataError                         ErrorCategory = "errors::InputDataError"
    ResultCardinalityMismatchError         ErrorCategory = "errors::ResultCardinalityMismatchError"
    CapabilityError                        ErrorCategory = "errors::CapabilityError"
    UnsupportedCapabilityError             ErrorCategory = "errors::UnsupportedCapabilityError"
    DisabledCapabilityError                ErrorCategory = "errors::DisabledCapabilityError"
    QueryError                             ErrorCategory = "errors::QueryError"
    InvalidSyntaxError                     ErrorCategory = "errors::InvalidSyntaxError"
    EdgeQLSyntaxError                      ErrorCategory = "errors::EdgeQLSyntaxError"
    SchemaSyntaxError                      ErrorCategory = "errors::SchemaSyntaxError"
    GraphQLSyntaxError                     ErrorCategory = "errors::GraphQLSyntaxError"
    InvalidTypeError                       ErrorCategory = "errors::InvalidTypeError"
    InvalidTargetError                     ErrorCategory = "errors::InvalidTargetError"
    InvalidLinkTargetError                 ErrorCategory = "errors::InvalidLinkTargetError"
    InvalidPropertyTargetError             ErrorCategory = "errors::InvalidPropertyTargetError"
    InvalidReferenceError                  ErrorCategory = "errors::InvalidReferenceError"
    UnknownModuleError                     ErrorCategory = "errors::UnknownModuleError"
    UnknownLinkError                       ErrorCategory = "errors::UnknownLinkError"
    UnknownPropertyError                   ErrorCategory = "errors::UnknownPropertyError"
    UnknownUserError                       ErrorCategory = "errors::UnknownUserError"
    UnknownDatabaseError                   ErrorCategory = "errors::UnknownDatabaseError"
    UnknownParameterError                  ErrorCategory = "errors::UnknownParameterError"
    SchemaError                            ErrorCategory = "errors::SchemaError"
    SchemaDefinitionError                  ErrorCategory = "errors::SchemaDefinitionError"
    InvalidDefinitionError                 ErrorCategory = "errors::InvalidDefinitionError"
    InvalidModuleDefinitionError           ErrorCategory = "errors::InvalidModuleDefinitionError"
    InvalidLinkDefinitionError             ErrorCategory = "errors::InvalidLinkDefinitionError"
    InvalidPropertyDefinitionError         ErrorCategory = "errors::InvalidPropertyDefinitionError"
    InvalidUserDefinitionError             ErrorCategory = "errors::InvalidUserDefinitionError"
    InvalidDatabaseDefinitionError         ErrorCategory = "errors::InvalidDatabaseDefinitionError"
    InvalidOperatorDefinitionError         ErrorCategory = "errors::InvalidOperatorDefinitionError"
    InvalidAliasDefinitionError            ErrorCategory = "errors::InvalidAliasDefinitionError"
    InvalidFunctionDefinitionError         ErrorCategory = "errors::InvalidFunctionDefinitionError"
    InvalidConstraintDefinitionError       ErrorCategory = "errors::InvalidConstraintDefinitionError"
    InvalidCastDefinitionError             ErrorCategory = "errors::InvalidCastDefinitionError"
    DuplicateDefinitionError               ErrorCategory = "errors::DuplicateDefinitionError"
    DuplicateModuleDefinitionError         ErrorCategory = "errors::DuplicateModuleDefinitionError"
    DuplicateLinkDefinitionError           ErrorCategory = "errors::DuplicateLinkDefinitionError"
    DuplicatePropertyDefinitionError       ErrorCategory = "errors::DuplicatePropertyDefinitionError"
    DuplicateUserDefinitionError           ErrorCategory = "errors::DuplicateUserDefinitionError"
    DuplicateDatabaseDefinitionError       ErrorCategory = "errors::DuplicateDatabaseDefinitionError"
    DuplicateOperatorDefinitionError       ErrorCategory = "errors::DuplicateOperatorDefinitionError"
    DuplicateViewDefinitionError           ErrorCategory = "errors::DuplicateViewDefinitionError"
    DuplicateFunctionDefinitionError       ErrorCategory = "errors::DuplicateFunctionDefinitionError"
    DuplicateConstraintDefinitionError     ErrorCategory = "errors::DuplicateConstraintDefinitionError"
    DuplicateCastDefinitionError           ErrorCategory = "errors::DuplicateCastDefinitionError"
    QueryTimeoutError                      ErrorCategory = "errors::QueryTimeoutError"
    ExecutionError                         ErrorCategory = "errors::ExecutionError"
    InvalidValueError                      ErrorCategory = "errors::InvalidValueError"
    DivisionByZeroError                    ErrorCategory = "errors::DivisionByZeroError"
    NumericOutOfRangeError                 ErrorCategory = "errors::NumericOutOfRangeError"
    IntegrityError                         ErrorCategory = "errors::IntegrityError"
    ConstraintViolationError               ErrorCategory = "errors::ConstraintViolationError"
    CardinalityViolationError              ErrorCategory = "errors::CardinalityViolationError"
    MissingRequiredError                   ErrorCategory = "errors::MissingRequiredError"
    TransactionError                       ErrorCategory = "errors::TransactionError"
    TransactionConflictError               ErrorCategory = "errors::TransactionConflictError"
    TransactionSerializationError          ErrorCategory = "errors::TransactionSerializationError"
    TransactionDeadlockError               ErrorCategory = "errors::TransactionDeadlockError"
    ConfigurationError                     ErrorCategory = "errors::ConfigurationError"
    AccessError                            ErrorCategory = "errors::AccessError"
    AuthenticationError                    ErrorCategory = "errors::AuthenticationError"
    ClientError                            ErrorCategory = "errors::ClientError"
    ClientConnectionError                  ErrorCategory = "errors::ClientConnectionError"
    ClientConnectionFailedError            ErrorCategory = "errors::ClientConnectionFailedError"
    ClientConnectionFailedTemporarilyError ErrorCategory = "errors::ClientConnectionFailedTemporarilyError"
    ClientConnectionTimeoutError           ErrorCategory = "errors::ClientConnectionTimeoutError"
    ClientConnectionClosedError            ErrorCategory = "errors::ClientConnectionClosedError"
    InterfaceError                         ErrorCategory = "errors::InterfaceError"
    QueryArgumentError                     ErrorCategory = "errors::QueryArgumentError"
    MissingArgumentError                   ErrorCategory = "errors::MissingArgumentError"
    UnknownArgumentError                   ErrorCategory = "errors::UnknownArgumentError"
    InvalidArgumentError                   ErrorCategory = "errors::InvalidArgumentError"
    NoDataError                            ErrorCategory = "errors::NoDataError"

ErrorTag is the argument type to Error.HasTag().

type ErrorTag string
const (
    ShouldRetry     ErrorTag = "SHOULD_RETRY"
    ShouldReconnect ErrorTag = "SHOULD_RECONNECT"

IsolationLevel documentation can be found here https://www.edgedb.com/docs/edgeql/statements/tx_start#parameters

type IsolationLevel string

The available levels are:

const (
    Serializable   IsolationLevel = "serializable"
    RepeatableRead IsolationLevel = "repeatable_read"

Options for connecting to an EdgeDB server

type Options struct {
    // Hosts is a slice of database host addresses as one of the following
    // - an IP address or domain name
    // - an absolute path to the directory
    //   containing the database server Unix-domain socket
    //   (not supported on Windows)
    // If the slice is empty, the following will be tried, in order:
    // - host address(es) parsed from the dsn argument
    // - the value of the EDGEDB_HOST environment variable
    // - on Unix, common directories used for EdgeDB Unix-domain sockets:
    //   "/run/edgedb" and "/var/run/edgedb"
    // - "localhost"
    Hosts []string

    // Ports is a slice of port numbers to connect to at the server host
    // (or Unix-domain socket file extension).
    // Ports may either be:
    // - the same length ans Hosts
    // - a single port to be used all specified hosts
    // - empty indicating the value parsed from the dsn argument
    //   should be used, or the value of the EDGEDB_PORT environment variable,
    //   or 5656 if neither is specified.
    Ports []int

    // User is the name of the database role used for authentication.
    // If not specified, the value parsed from the dsn argument is used,
    // or the value of the EDGEDB_USER environment variable,
    // or the operating system name of the user running the application.
    User string

    // Database is the name of the database to connect to.
    // If not specified, the value parsed from the dsn argument is used,
    // or the value of the EDGEDB_DATABASE environment variable,
    // or the operating system name of the user running the application.
    Database string

    // Password to be used for authentication,
    // if the server requires one. If not specified,
    // the value parsed from the dsn argument is used,
    // or the value of the EDGEDB_PASSWORD environment variable.
    // Note that the use of the environment variable is discouraged
    // as other users and applications may be able to read it
    // without needing specific privileges.
    Password string

    // ConnectTimeout is used when establishing connections in the background.
    ConnectTimeout time.Duration

    // WaitUntilAvailable determines how long to wait
    // to reestablish a connection.
    WaitUntilAvailable time.Duration

    // MinConns determines the minimum number of connections.
    // If MinConns is zero, 1 will be used.
    // Has no effect for single connections.
    MinConns uint

    // MaxConns determines the maximum number of connections.
    // If MaxConns is zero, max(4, runtime.NumCPU()) will be used.
    // Has no effect for single connections.
    MaxConns uint

    // ServerSettings is currently unused.
    ServerSettings map[string]string

Pool is a connection pool and is safe for concurrent use.

type Pool struct {
    // contains filtered or unexported fields
func Connect(ctx context.Context, opts Options) (*Pool, error)

Connect a pool of connections to a server.

func ConnectDSN(ctx context.Context, dsn string, opts Options) (*Pool, error)

ConnectDSN connects a pool to a server.

dsn is either an instance name https://www.edgedb.com/docs/clients/00_python/instances/#edgedb-instances or it specifies a single string in the following format:


The following options are recognized: host, port, user, database, password.

func (p *Pool) Acquire(ctx context.Context) (*PoolConn, error)

Acquire returns a connection from the pool blocking until a connection is available. Acquired connections must be released to the pool when no longer needed.

func (p *Pool) Close() error

Close closes all connections in the pool. Calling close blocks until all acquired connections have been released, and returns an error if called more than once.

func (p *Pool) Execute(ctx context.Context, cmd string) error

Execute an EdgeQL command (or commands).

func (p *Pool) Query(
    ctx context.Context,
    cmd string,
    out interface{},
    args ...interface{},
) error

Query runs a query and returns the results.

func (p *Pool) QueryJSON(
    ctx context.Context,
    cmd string,
    out *[]byte,
    args ...interface{},
) error

QueryJSON runs a query and return the results as JSON.

func (p *Pool) QueryOne(
    ctx context.Context,
    cmd string,
    out interface{},
    args ...interface{},
) error

QueryOne runs a singleton-returning query and returns its element. If the query executes successfully but doesn’t return a result a NoDataError is returned.

func (p *Pool) QueryOneJSON(
    ctx context.Context,
    cmd string,
    out *[]byte,
    args ...interface{},
) error

QueryOneJSON runs a singleton-returning query. If the query executes successfully but doesn’t have a result a NoDataError is returned.

func (p *Pool) RawTx(ctx context.Context, action Action) error

RawTx runs an action in a transaction. If the action returns an error the transaction is rolled back, otherwise it is committed.

func (p *Pool) RetryingTx(ctx context.Context, action Action) error

RetryingTx does the same as RawTx but retries failed actions if they might succeed on a subsequent attempt.

Retries are governed by retry rules. The default rule can be set with WithRetryRule(). For more fine grained control a retry rule can be set for each defined RetryCondition using WithRetryCondition(). When a transaction fails but is retryable the rule for the failure condition is used to determine if the transaction should be tried again based on RetryRule.Attempts and the amount of time to wait before retrying is determined by RetryRule.Backoff. If either field is unset (see RetryRule) then the default rule is used. If the object’s default is unset the fall back is 3 attempts and exponential backoff.

func (p Pool) WithRetryOptions(opts RetryOptions) *Pool

WithRetryOptions returns a shallow copy of the pool with the RetryOptions set to opts.

func (p Pool) WithTxOptions(opts TxOptions) *Pool

WithTxOptions returns a shallow copy of the pool with the TxOptions set to opts.

PoolConn is a pooled connection.

type PoolConn struct {
    // contains filtered or unexported fields
func (c *PoolConn) Execute(ctx context.Context, cmd string) error

Execute an EdgeQL command (or commands).

func (c *PoolConn) Query(
    ctx context.Context,
    cmd string,
    out interface{},
    args ...interface{},
) error

Query runs a query and returns the results.

func (c *PoolConn) QueryJSON(
    ctx context.Context,
    cmd string,
    out *[]byte,
    args ...interface{},
) error

QueryJSON runs a query and return the results as JSON.

func (c *PoolConn) QueryOne(
    ctx context.Context,
    cmd string,
    out interface{},
    args ...interface{},
) error

QueryOne runs a singleton-returning query and returns its element. If the query executes successfully but doesn’t return a result a NoDataError is returned.

func (c *PoolConn) QueryOneJSON(
    ctx context.Context,
    cmd string,
    out *[]byte,
    args ...interface{},
) error

QueryOneJSON runs a singleton-returning query. If the query executes successfully but doesn’t have a result a NoDataError is returned.

func (c *PoolConn) RawTx(ctx context.Context, action Action) error

RawTx runs an action in a transaction. If the action returns an error the transaction is rolled back, otherwise it is committed.

func (c *PoolConn) Release() error

Release the connection back to its pool. Release returns an error if called more than once. A PoolConn is not usable after Release has been called.

func (c *PoolConn) RetryingTx(ctx context.Context, action Action) error

RetryingTx does the same as RawTx but retries failed actions if they might succeed on a subsequent attempt.

func (c PoolConn) WithRetryOptions(opts RetryOptions) *PoolConn

WithRetryOptions returns a shallow copy of the connection with the RetryOptions set to opts.

func (c PoolConn) WithTxOptions(opts TxOptions) *PoolConn

WithTxOptions returns a shallow copy of the connection with the TxOptions set to opts.

RetryBackoff returns the duration to wait after the nth attempt before making the next attempt when retrying a transaction.

type RetryBackoff func(n int) time.Duration

RetryCondition represents scenarios that can caused a transaction run in RetryingTx() methods to be retried.

type RetryCondition int

RetryOptions configures how RetryingTx() retries failed transactions. Use NewRetryOptions to get a default RetryOptions value instead of creating one yourself.

type RetryOptions struct {
    // contains filtered or unexported fields
func (o RetryOptions) WithCondition(
    condition RetryCondition,
    rule RetryRule,
) RetryOptions

WithCondition sets the retry rule for the specified condition.

func (o RetryOptions) WithDefault(rule RetryRule) RetryOptions

WithDefault sets the rule for all conditions to rule.

RetryRule determines how transactions should be retried when run in RetryingTx() methods. See Pool.RetryingTx() for details.

type RetryRule struct {
    // contains filtered or unexported fields
func NewRetryRule() RetryRule

NewRetryRule returns the default RetryRule value.

func (r RetryRule) WithAttempts(attempts int) RetryRule

WithAttempts sets the rule’s attempts. attempts must be greater than zero.

func (r RetryRule) WithBackoff(fn RetryBackoff) RetryRule

WithBackoff returns a copy of the RetryRule with backoff set to fn.

Tx is a transaction. Use RetryingTx() or RawTx() to get a transaction.

type Tx struct {
    // contains filtered or unexported fields
func (t *Tx) Execute(ctx context.Context, cmd string) error

Execute an EdgeQL command (or commands).

func (t *Tx) Query(
    ctx context.Context,
    cmd string,
    out interface{},
    args ...interface{},
) error

Query runs a query and returns the results.

func (t *Tx) QueryJSON(
    ctx context.Context,
    cmd string,
    out *[]byte,
    args ...interface{},
) error

QueryJSON runs a query and return the results as JSON.

func (t *Tx) QueryOne(
    ctx context.Context,
    cmd string,
    out interface{},
    args ...interface{},
) error

QueryOne runs a singleton-returning query and returns its element. If the query executes successfully but doesn’t return a result a NoDataError is returned.

func (t *Tx) QueryOneJSON(
    ctx context.Context,
    cmd string,
    out *[]byte,
    args ...interface{},
) error

QueryOneJSON runs a singleton-returning query. If the query executes successfully but doesn’t have a result a NoDataError is returned.

TxOptions configures how transactions behave.

type TxOptions struct {
    // contains filtered or unexported fields
func NewTxOptions() TxOptions

NewTxOptions returns the default TxOptions value.

func (o TxOptions) WithDeferrable(d bool) TxOptions

WithDeferrable returns a shallow copy of the pool with the transaction deferrable mode set to d.

func (o TxOptions) WithIsolation(i IsolationLevel) TxOptions

WithIsolation returns a copy of the TxOptions with the isolation level set to i.

func (o TxOptions) WithReadOnly(r bool) TxOptions

WithReadOnly returns a shallow copy of the pool with the transaction read only access mode set to r.
