
Link items define a specific relationship between two object types. Link instances relate one object to one or more different objects.

There are two kinds of link item declarations: abstract links, and concrete links. Abstract links are defined on the module level and are not tied to any particular object type. Typically this is done to set some annotations, define link properties, or setup constraints. Concrete links are defined on specific object types.

Links are directional and have a source. Whether a source has one or more links of the same kind is specified by the keywords single and multi, respectively. The required keyword indicates that at least one target object must be linked for a particular link kind. It is also possible to restrict how many source objects can link to the same target via the exclusive constraint. Using these tools it’s possible to specify common relationships between things: many-to-one, one-to-one, and many-to-many.

A many-to-one relationship is a fairly common pattern representing situations like ownership or hierarchies. For example, Person and Shirt:

type Person {
    required property name -> str {
        constraint exclusive;
type Shirt {
    required property description -> str {
        # Just making sure that each description
        # is unique like a name.
        constraint exclusive;
    link owner -> Person;

A Shirt can have at most one owner, while a Person can have potentially have more than one Shirt. This is a many-to-one relationship and it’s expressed by the link owner.

Selecting the shirts belonging to a specific owner can be done with the following query:

SELECT Shirt {
    owner: {
FILTER = 'Billie';

It is possible to traverse any link backwards. When a many-to-one link is traversed backwards, the result represents a one-to-many relationship instead. For example, the previous query can be re-written like this:

SELECT Person {
    # let's use a computable here
    shirts := .<owner[IS Shirt] {
FILTER .name = 'Billie';

Alternatively, the above relationship can also be represented by the following schema:

type Person {
    required property name -> str {
        constraint exclusive;
    multi link shirts -> Shirt {
        # The exclusive constraint ensures that
        # this is a one-to-many relationship.
        constraint exclusive;
type Shirt {
    required property description -> str {
        constraint exclusive;

It’s possible to include both links owner and shirts to a schema, making one of them a computable link expressed in terms of the other.

type Person {
    required property name -> str {
        constraint exclusive;
    # A computable link used for convenience.
    multi link shirts := .<owner[IS Shirt];
type Shirt {
    required property description -> str {
        # Just making sure that each description
        # is unique like a name.
        constraint exclusive;
    link owner -> Person;

So fundamentally there’s no difference in terms of the data for the two schemas specifying many-to-one or one-to-many relationship between Person and Shirt. Nor is there any difference in terms of querying that data, because computable links can be added to the schema. Instead the difference is in how the data is modified or reasoned about. For example, expressing “Billie bought some yellow shirts” using the first and second version of the schema would look like this:

# Just get all the yellow ones
FILTER .description ILIKE '%yellow%'
    owner := (
        SELECT Person
        FILTER .name = 'Billie'

FILTER .name = 'Billie'
    shirts += (
        SELECT Shirt
        # Just get all the yellow ones
        FILTER .description ILIKE '%yellow%'

A one-to-one relationship represents a situation where one object from a source set is linked to only one object in the target set, and vice versa. For example, Employee and ReservedParking:

type Employee {
    required property name -> str;
    single link parking -> ReservedParking {
        constraint exclusive;
type ReservedParking {
    required property number -> int64;

An Employee can have up to one ReservedParking assigned exclusively to them. The exclusive constraint ensures that no more than one Employee can get the same ReservedParking, while the single qualifier on the link (which is the default, so it can be omitted) ensures that no Employee can have more than one ReservedParking. Together the constraint and the qualifier specify a one-to-one relationship.

Although the link is specified only on one of the objects, the relationship involves both of them and so it can be accessed from either end. To get the assigned ReservedParking given an Employee the following query can be used:

WITH Alice := (
    SELECT Employee FILTER .name = 'Alice'
SELECT Alice.parking {

The reverse lookup of who owns a particular ReservedParking spot can be done by using a backward link traversal like so:

WITH Spot := (
    SELECT ReservedParking FILTER .number = 42
SELECT Spot.<parking[IS Employee] {

Backward link traversal requires to specify the original link’s source type, but other than that it works the same way as forward traversal.

A many-to-many relationship represents the most generic kind of relationship without any exclusivity. For example, Person and Movie in the following schema:

type Person {
    required property name -> str {
        constraint exclusive;
    multi link likes -> Movie;
type Movie {
    required property title -> str {
        constraint exclusive;

A Person can like multiple movies and each Movie can be liked by multiple people, thus making likes a many-to-many relationship. This type of relationship has the same symmetry as a one-to-one w.r.t. link traversal forward and backward, except that potentially multiple objects can reached in either direction. Here’s the query for getting every Movie a given Person likes:

WITH Cameron := (
    SELECT Person FILTER .name = 'Cameron'
SELECT Cameron.likes {

The reverse lookup of who likes a particular Movie:

WITH M := (
    SELECT Movie FILTER .title = "Matrix"
SELECT M.<likes[IS Person] {

Links also have a policy of handling link target deletion. There are 4 possible actions that can be taken when this happens:

  • RESTRICT - any attempt to delete the target object immediately raises an exception;

  • DELETE SOURCE - when the target of a link is deleted, the source is also deleted;

  • ALLOW - the target object is deleted and is removed from the set of the link targets;

  • DEFERRED RESTRICT - any attempt to delete the target object raises an exception at the end of the transaction, unless by that time this object is no longer in the set of link targets.

This section covers the syntax of how to set these policies in more detail.

Cookbook section about links.

Link SDL, DDL, introspection (as part of overall object introspection).
